首页 > 冷知识 > 你一定有过许多难忘的假期,它们给你留下了许多美好的回忆。请你用80字左右描述你印象最深刻的那个假期。


被浏览: 121410次 2024-9-20 18:36:30
My last summer holiday was the most meaningful holiday I had. Because It was my first time I went to Hannan with my parents. The weather was fine and people there were friendly and kind to us. We climbed the moutain, walked on the beach, went boating, swam in the sea and went scuba-driving. We really had a good time. Beside the trip, I also finished doing my homework on time and helped my parents with the housework. I viisted my friends and played sports with them. I read some interesting book, too. So that summer holiday was really cool.Good